Moodle Customization
Offerings to support every learning need.
All that Learnospace can help you with.

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Powerful to Scale

Affordable to Own
Feature List
Supporting the entire process of learning.

Synchronous Learning
Online learning events such as virtual classrooms and remote labs where learners and trainers interact in real-time.

Asynchronous Learning
Self-paced learning events such as e-learning where learners access learning anytime and anywhere.

Blended Learning
Learning events that incorporate a mix of various types of learning to create a comprehensive experience.

Collaborative Learning
Learning events that involve learners collaborating together in a group setting online or offline.

Learning events where content is delivered in 'bite-sized' units, or short nuggets to impart knowledge, skills or behaviors.

Gamified Learning
Learning events that incorporate gaming concepts and elements to improve engagement and effectiveness.

Spaced Learning
Learning events that involve delivering content repeatedly over a period of time with breaks in between.

Mobile Learning
Learning events that are delivered through personal mobile devices to allow learners take learning on the go.

Social Learning
Learning events that incorporate social interactions between peers to learn from each other.
See what Learnospace looks like.

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